Notebook Guidelines

Each student must have a separate 3 ring English notebook with the following sections organized to allow you (and them) to easily follow our progress: 

  1. A “Work for the Week” curriculum section— on the first day of every week I post the work for that week detailing a daily summary of class work and homework you can review. 
  2. A Spelling and Vocabulary Section—includes spelling and vocabulary designed to prepare the student for standardized tests (SAT, ASVAB, ATC, etc.)  as well as college preparation.
  3. A literature or media section—includes notes and criticism of literature and texts we study as part of our class.
  4. A Test and Quiz Section—includes review material, and a record of all tests and quizzes.
  5. A Grammar and Composition Section—this section has to do with your child’s ability to write correctly and with style (the key currency of the universities as well as Regent’s Exams).


 No 3 ring binder = 0    No organized sections= F    

 No kidding.