Mr. Galanaugh’s Parent and Guardian Information

I want to greet you as a partner in your child’s success and let you know that I believe we can maximize the opportunities for your child to master the academics as well as grow into a responsible member of the community.  Part of that responsibility is to obtain work to be made up when absent from class and this may require a trip to the public library to use the internet or other resources to complete alternative assignments.  Please take a look at my Class Rulesmost of the rules came from good advice and experimentation; however vigilant I am about the effectiveness of the rules, I reserve the right to make changes within district guidelines for the educational needs of specific students and situations. Think about it...  If your doctor prescribed aspirin to all their patients instead of seeing each one as having unique needs wouldn't you stop going to them?   Why would an educator provide the same learning experience when each student has unique needs? Of course, it doesn't make sense!  I use the rules to support Brian Based Learning (there's a lot of information on the web) in order to help students learn.

About me, with over a decade of teaching experience at Longwood Senior High School.  I currently teach English 11R, Broadcast Journalism Curriculum, Film and TV Curriculum (media literacy), 12th Grade Electives.  I encourage my students and peers to use computers to in the educational process.  I  continue in the process of developing my comprehensive website where there is much more information for parents, educators, and students ---

into the address of the your browser.

There are updated assignments as well as helpful links regarding parenting information regarding Homework, Discipline, Talking & Listening, Bullying, Violence Prevention, Behavior Issues, Special Education, PTA, Class Rules, Contact Information, Regent's Review, and ADHD, for example.

I have found that keeping in touch with e-mail allows a superior level of achievement for students and I am asking you to e-mail me if you have access to an e-mail account you check regularly.  My school account is  As I may have up to 149 other students, please include your name and your child’s name, of course, feel free to add anything you think I should know to help your child this year.

You may contact me at the HS by dialing 345-9200, the Main Office, and leaving a voice mail message or even better ---- e-mail me at the previous address.  If it is urgent, contact the Main Office and be sure to tell them it is urgent and ask to speak with a guidance counselor at the HS who will get in touch with me so that I may return your call promptly. 

Each student must have a separate three ring English notebook with the following sections organized to allow you (and them) to easily follow our progress: 

  1. A “Work for the Week” curriculum section— on the first day of every week I post the work for that week detailing a daily summary of class work and homework you can review. 
  2. A Spelling and Vocabulary Section—includes spelling and vocabulary designed to prepare the student for standardized tests (SAT, ASVAB, ATC, etc.)  as well as college preparation.
  3. A literature or media section—includes notes and criticism of literature and texts we study as part of our class.
  4. A Test and Quiz Section—includes review material, and a record of all tests and quizzes.
  5. A Grammar and Composition Section—this section has to do with your child’s ability to write correctly and with style (the key currency of the universities as well as Regent’s Exams).

 No 3 ring binder = 0         No organized sections= F         No kidding.

The first HW assignment for your child is to have you simply e-mail me and say "Hi"  or complete the information below:

Print Student Name LAST__________________________     FIRST____________________

Your title and   _______________ LAST____________________________     FIRST____________________

Is there someone else I may speak with if you are not available?

LAST__________________________     FIRST____________________

May I leave a message on your answering machine?        YES      /     NO

Keeping in mind that I am at school often by  6am, if there is a concern and I need to contact you then the best time for me to call your    Home @(____)__________________       

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Best Hours:        

Work or Cell @(____)__________________              

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Best Hours:        

 Parent(s)/Guardian(s)  Signature______________________